Methodist Day School

at First Methodist Conroe

Methodist Day School (M.D.S.) is a Christian preschool for ages 12 months through kindergarten located in First Methodist Conroe. Morning and afternoon extended care program is offered.

School Profile

Child/Teacher Ratio
All classrooms have a teacher and a classroom assistant which allows children many opportunities for individualized and small group experiences.
  • Young 1’s – 1:5
  • Toddlers – 1:7
  • 2’s – 1:9
  • 3’s – 1:10
  • Pre-K – 1:12
  • Kindergarten – 2:14
  • Enrollment: 165 Children

Methodist Day School is a non-profit Ministry of First Methodist Conroe. Our Christian Preschool cares for ages 12 months to kindergarten. MDS operates Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Extended Care is offered in the morning and afternoon as well from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 2:30 PM to 5:15 PM.

MDS has provided high-quality experiences for over four decades. Our licensed program is designed to provide a Christian atmosphere for the cognitive, physical, social-emotional, and spiritual development of children. Children of all races, nationalities, and religious backgrounds are welcome. MDS is known for our developmental, hands-on philosophy; low child-staff ratios; and excellent teachers.

Emphasis is placed on developing each child’s self-esteem and the fulfillment of their highest God-given potential. All staff is experienced in working with young children and receive yearly training focused on Early Childhood Development. MDS values the needs of each child and family to provide opportunities for growth in all areas (spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, and social).

During the school year, many events and activities are planned for the children and their families. Some exciting events include: Pumpkin Patch, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Celebrations, Pajama Day, Easter Egg Hunts, Police and Firemen Visits, Splash Day, and many more!

Whole Child Development

Intellectual Development
We all love to learn! Cognitive development in our classrooms is very intentional. We understand children learn best through hands-on opportunities to explore and discover. Our teachers create play-based lessons to meet the needs and interests of each child.

Physical Development
We all love to move! The first five years of a child’s life are marked by significant physical growth. At MDS, we focus on both gross motor (large muscles) and fine motor (small muscles). Gross motor skills are big movements! We climb, stretch, and move on our age-appropriate playgrounds each day – weather permitting. Children attend Music and Motor class daily as well. Our music teachers vary curriculum, but always focus on rhythm, coordination and muscle development by crawling, dancing, or other constant movement. Fine motor skills are developed and enhanced as children play with crayons, play-dough, and manipulatives throughout their day. Handwriting Without Tears curriculum is used for all age groups, using fun materials to help build muscle strength.

Spiritual Development
We love Jesus! We welcome families of all faiths. Our teachers plan Christian lessons in their classrooms daily, including prayer before snack and lunch. Our 3’s, Pre-K, and Kindergarten children attend Chapel each week to hear a Bible story, pray, sing, and learn about worship. Families are always invited to join us.

Social Development
We love each other! Making friends is a new and important concept for little ones. Because we offer small child to teacher ratios, we’re able to provide opportunities to work and play with friends. The social skills we develop in preschool are the foundation for a lifetime of connections with others.

Emotional Development
I feel proud of myself! God made us all unique. Helping children feel good about themselves is an essential part of our early education. Developing independence are necessary life skills; we strive to meet individual needs in ways that help each student shine. We want each child to develop a strong “I can do it!” attitude and love of learning!

Tuition & Fees

2025-2026 Tuition & Fees
Tuition is based on 9 months and is divided into nine equal payments. Tuition is the same for each school month regardless of holidays or absences. Monthly tuition is due on the 1st of the month. A Late Fee of $25.00 will be accessed on accounts not paid by the 5th of the month. Advance payment of first and last month’s tuition is required. For current MDS families, first month tuition is required by May 1, 2024. Last month’s tuition is due by “Meet the Teacher” orientation in August of the new school year. All advance payments are Non-Refundable. A 10% discount is offered for siblings towards tuition only. This discount is not applicable to Kindergarten. Registration fees are required to be paid in full at the time of registration. Registration fees are Non-Refundable. See 2024/2025 Tuition and Fees


Young 1's
Our teachers encourage interactions that develop rich oral language and vocabulary as well as strong social and emotional connections to help our babies meet their developmental milestones.
Toddler curriculum is designed around early brain development research. Our teachers focus on enhancing a child’s joy of curiosity through exploration. Toddlers are immersed in a language rich environment to develop receptive and expressive language skills. Play provides fun physical challenges, action songs, and games that build coordination, balance, and muscle strength. Teachers help encourage confidence by building relationships through one-on-one, partner, and small group interactions.
At this age, children learn at a rapid rate, and as they grow and develop, teachers adapt their lessons as well as environment to meet the child’s needs and interests. Lesson plans are created with purpose and intentionally planned based on the teacher’s observations of the children in the classroom. Teachers ensure classrooms are rich in language by reading, story-telling, and participate in pretend play. Math is incorporated into everyday activities; there are many opportunities to count, explore more or less, understand first and last, complete patterns, and color. Children expand their curiosities and investigate the world around them. Two-year olds begin to develop strong social-emotional skills by learning impulse control, conflict resolution, and independence. It is very important for children at this age to build relationships with other – how to develop friendships!
Three-year old children are full of wonder and spend a lot of time watching, observing, and imitating. Their imagination is working at all times! Children will continue to learn through a lot of pretend play and sensory exploration. They will also begin to learn to listen and focus on explanations from others. Our classrooms are designed with learning centers, which give children the opportunity to play with others through positive and fun experiences. Our teachers skillfully plan engaging learning activities that encourage exploration of math, language, science, and social skills. Lessons change according to theme during each month to meet interests and learning goals. Our 3’s begin to learn letter sounds through a program called ZooPhonics – just to give them exposure in preparation for their continuing growth in Pre-K.
Our teachers take pride in preparing children for their next stage of learning. Careful consideration of lessons ensure children are ready for Kindergarten. Children learn to follow classroom rules and routines, remain focused and engaged, show independence, and demonstrate empathy. Classrooms are full of print and communication to aid in language development and pre-reading skills. Children are taught with hands-on materials, songs, and games. They are assessed daily by observation and work samples. Our teachers incorporate the use of 3 programs to enhance curriculum. Through the use of Handwriting Without Tears, children focus on building muscle strength for letter, number, and name writing. The ZooPhonics program focuses more on the letter sound and recognition in preparation to blend sounds together through song. Little Math Minds follows a strategic hands-on approach to learn skills such as shapes, sizes, counting, patterns, measurement, and weight. It is so important to ensure that our children are learning at the same time having fun each and every day!
Adventure and Discovery
Science couldn’t get anymore exciting! Adventure and Discovery classes are non-stop, action-packed fun. Constant changing themes keep these classes interesting – something new will happen each day! Children will learn about their five senses, their bodies, what makes leaves change colors, seasons, floating vs sinking, magnetism, weather, space, animals, and so much more! Can you fit inside a bubble or walk on eggs? Just wait to see what your children learn!
This is such an exciting year full of learning! Even though learning is more structured, it is very important to us that we continue to develop skills through a hands-on learning approach as much as possible. Children will practice basic concepts of math, reading, writing, science, and social studies. Our program focuses largely on mastering letters, sounds, and words. Children will take their first steps toward reading, expand their vocabulary, and even begin to write simple stories. Children will also learn key fundamentals of math; by the end of the year, they are counting independently and completing basic addition and subtraction. It is important to know, there is a wide range of age appropriate levels during this Kindergarten development. There is a strong focus on Reading, Science of Reading and Math curriculums, but art is still focused on daily along with observations and experiments to create science and social studies pathways. Our Kindergarten curriculum: Handwriting Without Tears, SuperKids Reading Program, and Saxon Math. This is an amazing year of growth!

Beth MacKenzie | Director

Kathy Hatcher | Assistant Director

Natasha Millan | Book Keeper

School Hours: 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM M-TH

Address: 4308 West Davis, Conroe, TX 77304 (Located at First Methodist Conroe)

MDS Phone Number: 936-494-1840