
Serving At FMC

The church does not exist for itself; it exists for the world. It is a strategic base from which believers go out to extend God’s kingdom in the world through acts of love, service, and witness. All members have a role to play in the church’s mission, which is why we seek to equip our members to live out their faith with their unique gifts and skills.

Sign up To Serve

Hospitality and Office
  • Help greet and welcome visitors as a volunteer receptionist. Contact Office Manager
  • Help with general office duties such as copies, mailings, filing, or special projects. Contact Office Manager
  • Help with hospitality for special events to create an atmosphere; plan; serve; and clean up. Contact Welcoming Coordinator at
  • Help with funerals to usher, greet, and assist the family during the reception so they can simply be present while we attend to their guests. Set up and clean up reception. Contact Care Director
Grounds and Facilities
  • Help on once-every-other-month work days to provide repairs, handiwork; or special projects to care for the building and/or campuses. Contact Doug Frankhouser
  • Help with gardening and care of the grounds in season changes to keep our beds looking their best and letting guests know we have thought of them. Contact Brenda Martin at
  • Skilled in plumbing, electrical, mechanical, or such please contact Doug Frankhouse
Other Needs

What is it that you’re passionate about? How has God uniquely formed and gifted you that you want to offer to your church family? Contact Executive Pastor Brenda Martin at   so she can help you find your area of service!

Serve Within The Walls

Each week we gather in worship and have the privilege to join in the act of serving one another. At FMC we believe that serving is part of our worship and helps us to grow in our understanding of Jesus. Jesus came to serve and as His followers, we eagerly do the same!

Check out the list below and see where God is calling you to serve. ‘On the job’ training is provided, and all ages are welcome!

Current Ways to serve at FMC
  • Golf Cart Drivers - assist those who need a little extra help getting from the parking lot to the church building (different teams drive before 9:30 service, between services, & after 11AM service)  
  • Welcome Desk - answer general questions about the church and distributes assisted listening devices   Greeters - welcome those at the doors and prior to entering the sanctuary. (2 Different Teams, 1 team at 9:30AM & 1 team at 11AM- each team arrives 30 min prior to service.)  
  • Ushers - distributes bulletins, perform a headcount, assist in guiding communion and collecting connect cards. (2 Different Teams, 1 team at 9:30AM & 1 team at 11AM- each team arrives 30 min prior to service.)  
  • Pew Crew – volunteer mid-week to make sure all items are in the pews correctly  
  • Café - make coffee, serve donuts and warmly greets those who are in attendance (2 Different Shifts -8:45AM-10:15AM & 10:15AM-11:30AM)  
  • New Member Hosts- volunteer to greet guests at Coffee with the Pastor and assist with Joining Sunday

Sign Up To Serve

Serve Outside The Walls

At FMC, we recognize the importance of responding to the needs of others (acts of compassion) and working to correct the systemic and institutional causes of suffering in our community (acts of justice). When we participate in these activities, we are able to reflect God’s presence and love for all people. Our Compassion and Justice Ministries are devoted to helping our community in various ways to assist those in need spiritually and physically.

Church-wide Initiatives
    • FMC Cookers - Cook BBQ to provide food for disaster relief and other church ministries.
    • FMC Assistance: Our assistance fund team distributes financial resources to individuals in need of assistance with rent, utilities, food or other essential needs. They office out of the Community Assistance Center on Wednesday mornings. We also provide much-needed guidance and resources for those who need an identification card in order to get employment or benefits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
    • Sam Houston Elementary and Reaves Elementary Schools: For decades, our church has helped Sam Houston ready their students for a successful life. Our members support the children through reading partners, their parents through the outreach of our Spanish language service, Celebración, and to the faculty and staff through special treats throughout the school year. After recognizing a greater need for support in our local schools, our church adopted Reaves Elementary. We have worked to provide much-needed support to the students and faculty members.
    • Homeless ID Ministry. Individuals who are homeless often have no identification. When you don’t have identification, you can not get a job. To get an identification card, you need an address. If you do not have a job, you very well might not have an address. So, two teams have formed to help these folks get the identification they so desperately need to begin their lives again. These teams meet at the Community Assistance Center on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
    • Quarterly Food Distributions in Partnership with Metropolitan UMC and East Side Church of Christ. Once a quarter we partner with these two amazing churches to provide food for 200 families in need.
FMC Cookers

Mission Statement: Train and prepare a team to cook and serve traditional Texas BBQ as a form of disaster relief for FMC and other churches in our area. Preparedness is accomplished by having 4-5 “Big Cooks” per year to prepare and process proteins that can be served up quickly in the event of an emergency. Training is conducted during these cooking events, and by learning to serve large numbers of people by feeding the homeless, community service organizations, Veterans groups, and different ministries within the church.

This ministry is for those that want to learn how to cook BBQ, enhance their cooking skills (Cookers), or just want to participate in serving food to those in need (Wranglers). We focus on fellowship and serving Christ in the Church and Community. This ministry is open to all. No experience necessary!

Over our seven year history, this Cooking Ministry has served approximately 34,000 meals to the Church and Community. We are excited to be a part of the FMC family and are looking forward to new opportunities to serve!

If you would like to participate as a Cooker, Wrangler, be a supporter of this ministry thorough a donation, or have a need for assistance in your ministry, contact Steve Freeman at (713) 829-7781, or via email at We look forward to serving with you!

Sign Up To Serve